as Assyrian-Americans of Arizona and beyond

We Come Together As One

Our efforts go only as far as our people can take us. You can read about our campaigns below and know that we are open to additional events and efforts that share our mission.


Women's Luncheon (bi-annual event)

Celebrate, inspire and empower Assyrian-American women. 

This event is traditionally held at the Arrowhead Country Club and includes a formal lunch, networking opportunities, and a curated panel discussion with featured Assyrian-American Women. 


Assyrian New Year Billboard (Annual)

Bringing Assyrian Culture to Arizona 

This campaign was started in 2021 and we put up three billboards in the Phoenix area to promote the Assyrian culture and celebrate the Assyrian New Year.  

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Adopt-A-Street (ongoing)

The Adopt-A-Street program is an ongoing local philanthropic effort.

Bringing together both youth and adults in community service  to clean up an adopted Glendale street.


assyrian genocide awareness (ongoing)

Assyrian Genocide Monument SB1367

Alan Mooshekh speaking on behalf of the Assyrian community for a monument to remember the Assyrian Genocide. Video of his efforts can be found here.

Anniversary Party (annual event)

Assyrian Anniversary Party

The Annual Assyrian Anniversary party is our biggest campaign yet! We are bringing together the Assyrian community for a huge celebration. Sponsorship information can be found under Ways to Help.


monthly Networking Events (ongoing)

AACO Monthly Networking

Our monthly networking events include a wide range of Assyrian American professionals and have a rotating location. Become a member and follow our social media sites for updates.